Why Should You Move Database From SAP to Snowflake
Why do businesses move databases from SAP to Snowflake? There are a few reasons for this move. First, the nature of transactions in SAP often leads to execution delays, especially in cases where there are large database applications to handle. Next, access permissions are not clearly defined, leading to misperceptions amongst database administrators, and possible data breach scenarios.
Given these downsides of SAP, it makes sense to move databases from SAP to Snowflake or other similar cloud-based platforms such as Google BigQuery or Azure Synapse.
Let us now go through some benefits of moving databases to
the cloud on Snowflake.
You get all the benefits of the cloud including access to cutting-edge
technologies, unlimited data storage, data compression facilities, and
automated fully-managed services.
SAP data can be stored in Snowflake in its native format, regardless of
whether the data is structured, semi-structured, or structured.
By migrating to the cloud, FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable,
and Reusable) principles can be incorporated by businesses.
After migrating to the cloud by moving databases from SAP to
Snowflake, organizations are guaranteed genuine business content. It leads
to accurate data loading, report generation, and multiple queries of data.
Since Snowflake is a cloud-based platform, users get the benefit of
unlimited data storage. Most importantly you pay what you use as data storage
without any flat fees. This leads to considerable savings for businesses.
Further, in case of a sudden spike in demand, additional storage can be
downloaded in minutes.
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