An Overview of the SAP BW Extractor
A SAP BW Extractor, also known simply as the SAP Extractor is an optimized data management tool of SAP. Its main function is to extract SAP data from a source system and move it to a downstream data warehouse or store it in a business intelligence system. The SAP BW Extractor feeds SAP BW applications with data extracted from SAP. Functioning of the SAP BW Extractor The SAP BW Extractor integrates SAP data even if the SAP user is not on the Business Warehouse (BW). Hence, this tool can seamlessly populate the delta queue with changed records of the new delta type. Before using a SAP BW Extractor, it must be hard-coded to ensure that the application-specific Extractor delivers BI Content of the Business Warehouse. The functioning of the Extractor is fully automated. It can identify both the data that is extracted and the tables where it is stored in a read-only format after the Extractor is named in the Data Source. Additionally, a SAP BW Extractor has master da...